Vertical mixer  
Turbo mixer  
Turbo mixer

Turbo mixer - high speed dissolver


The Turbo mixer is specifically designed for the efficient mixing, homogenising and volume dispersing of powders in liquid media, particularly where effective solids wetting and fine dispersion are required at comparatively low energy input levels.

With its height adjustable dispersion disc and mixer scraper the Turbo mixer is especially suitable for dispersing temperature sensitive materials like colour additives in paint or PVC compounds.
The Turbo mixer can handle viscous liquids up to 25.000 cP at solid contents up to ± 80%. The mixer is designed and manufactured according to PED guidelines for full vacuum and pressures up to 6 bar.

All turbo-mixers can be executed with the option whereby light pigments and additives can be drawn into the vessel below the liquid surface to achieve good wetting out coupled with minimum dispersion times. Examples of their application are in the manufacture of paint and lacquers, polymers, printing inks, adhesives, resins, coatings and other viscous products.

Turbo-Mixer for artificial leather production Important features:
  • Closed system
    suitable for full vacuum and over pressure
  • Low energy input levels.
  • Automatic height adjustment of dispersion disc
  • Conical execution for variable batch sizes
  • Heating- or cooling jackets available.
  • High dispersion efficiency
  • Minimum dispersion time
  • Capacities from 500 up to 10.000 litres

High dispersion quality
The standard Turbo mixer is fitted with a centrally mounted static, high speed dispersion disc with fixed diameter and a slow speed, mixer scraper to prevent build up of product on the vessel wall and to provide secondary mixing of the product, thereby complimenting the main dispersion disc. This combination will give you an effective mixing result with low energy input levels.

By clicking the video above you can get a brief impression of
the turbo mixer in operation.

Main dissolver disc in bottom position with bottom mixer scraper Main dissolver disc in top position with bottom mixer scraper
                 Main dissolver disc in top and bottom position with bottom mixer scraper
Turbo mixer with automatic powder and liquid feeds

“Raise and Lower” device
A further, optional, feature is the “Raise and Lower” device. The control can be automatically set via a microprocessor which continually searches for the highest shear absorbed by the main drive motor. The combined action of these 3 features: main disc, mixer scraper and height adjustment create a high dispersion quality.

Turbo mixer executions and options

Top driven disc
Top driven scraper
Raise-Lower facility
Top driven disc
Bottom driven scraper
Raise-Lower facility
Type TBM-C-R
Conical shaped vessel with top driven disc and bottom driven scraper, Raise-Lower facility

Dimensions Turbo Mixer 

Turbo mixer dimensions
Business no: 24482294 

Tel: +886-3-4609008
Fax: +886-3-4609056
Email: luc@peiqi.com.tw
No.10-2, Ln. 1106, Sec. 2, Kuaisu Rd., 
Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County 324,  Taiwan

Tel: +886-3-4609008
Fax: +886-3-4609056
Email: luc@peiqi.com.tw
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